Kinjirō the Rōnin

This is a personal project I worked on where I aimed to come up with an original character. Being a 3D artist I usually reference other 2D concepts so this was an exercise to try and come up with my own character design and concept it in 2D and 3D.

Kinjirō is a wealthy Rōnin and very full of himself. He was born wealthy and while he loves to indulge in fancy clothes and unnecessarily expensive...everything, he has a huge ego. He couldn't stand the thought that someone would be better than him at wielding a blade. His excessive wealth flaunting often makes him a target when he is out. He can handle himself in a fight... but he's wearing a very exquisite silk robe today. He also spent 30 minutes making sure his top knot looked flawless. He would much rather just throw some money at you and hope that you leave him alone so he doesn't get his clothes dirty :)

This was a fun exercise in exploring character design and how to convey themes and ideas in a final sculpt. The original design was a lot busier, a bit more generic and a handful of things were less exaggerated. Tried to find a balance that simplified the design so it didn't look too busy while still sticking to the fun ideas for him.

Thanks for checking him out!

A sketch I did after a quick rough out in 3D for what the character would look like. You can see how he was simplified and how the pose and parts were exaggerated in the final sculpt.

A sketch I did after a quick rough out in 3D for what the character would look like. You can see how he was simplified and how the pose and parts were exaggerated in the final sculpt.